Improvement's a lovely feeling. Just getting my cycle legs back after two months out of commuting (nowhere to put the bike in that contract) and 'taking it easy' during deep tissue massage from an IT band strain.
For me, as someone may already have stated, it's when you favour the big ring on the chainset. Love getting a fairly high RPM on the middle cog then with a flick of the left wrist unleashing the turbines!
Quite funny earlier in the week, after a 10mile run on Sunday my legs were 'feeling it' let's say (again, had been recovering form the IT band strain and first run over 10k in 5months). Up until Wednesday cycling was far less painful than walking. Now the legs feel like beasts, haven't been legitimately scalped all week
You get a different type of cycle legs for commuting (in London) too as it's very stop/start and nigh-on impossible to gain momentum for a decent length of time. Lots of accelerating and short bursts. Can't wait to hit up a long ride sometime soon! Love Richmond Park laps. Some of the hill routes you chaps have been posting look awesome, love a good climb, be it trail running or cycling.