The fascinating thing with fixed

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Ian H

Ancient randonneur
I had to remind myself about THAT.

Interesting question! Are WE all effectively Ships of Theseus, given that most of our cells are being replaced throughout our lives?

I'm not who you think I am.


Kilometre nibbler
In the 70s I got my first "racer". It was a wreck but may have been a decent bike 10 years prior, it had a Suntour Skitter mech and a rear hub with a freewheel block one side and fixed the other.

Out of curiosity I set it up as fixed and rode it to school for a bit. It was a bit weird and tried to kill me. Had I understood its significance I could have been the school's first hipster, sipping extra strong Nescafé (espresso didn't exist in the Midlands back then). But I didn't and I soon reverted to gears. Now in my old age I think I might get one just to see what the fuss is about.
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