What gets me is the fact that it seems like only yesterday that I was doing this. And all that stuff taking up space ... all completely obsolete now.
I did a brief stint at BT Cellnet - remember them?
And what about all those wax gramophone cylinders ? Can't get a new player anywhere
I have a couple of 1990's Nokia's knocking about and must admit to really liking them mainly for the Battery life and their toughness, I still have a dial telephone for the time being only because the line is part of my very snail speed internet and it also gave us emergency services access when we realized none of our phones could get a signal in the village ( I like old tech). I did read some where and cannot find it now that Vodafone were aiming to switch off 2g by 2025, The main problem is I'll have to put up with my very slow ( from 0 to 6mb) and unrealible internet connection for a while unless they are planning to up grade their 4g and 5g coverage as they drop their 3g the start of next month. Then I will still have to buy a new phone just for the hotspot.Get a new Nokia if you are worried. Shoot moves on. I let the round dial phone go many years ago
I have turned my phone to 2g only and must admit as I only use it very occasionally and never use it for data it will not cause a problem of course it screws up my plans to use it for an internet connection.All mobiles, without exception, have 2G capability
I must admit when we first moved to the village and found none of our phones would work I quite liked it, the phone zombies were shocked into real reality ( my own family) and we had to go old tech and talk to each other ! Unfortunatley someone told Mrs Badger that Vodafone was the only one that worked in the village so we ended up with Vodafone, Asda Mobile, and Lebara.Sounds a blissful state of affairs to me.
That's what I'm hoping for Just to use the phone as a Internet connection in my home, problem is I'll have to buy a new phone and I am a total skinflint ! May be two 2g phones will make 4gJust wait a little longer and your missing 3G will be replaced by 4G
When my broadband was cut by fire, I bought a Nokia 'feature phone', in my case the repro Matrix phone, and used that as a 4G tether and hot-spot. Under 40 squids. Discontinued now, but there are others as cheap that do 4G.That's what I'm hoping for Just to use the phone as a Internet connection in my home problem is I'll have to buy a new phone and I am a total skinflint ! May be two 2g phones will make 4g
Sounds like my bait got you hook line and sinker !It really doesn't mean "The end of hand me down mobile phones" though, as your rater clickbait thread title suggests.
I was working in the Telco industry when 3G was introduced.
I feel very old.
Sounds like an ideal solution I'm just going to have to wait and see if they jump 4g and go straight to 5g That said I haven't seen any work on our only mast yet. I'll have a look and see what is available !When my broadband was cut by fire, I bought a Nokia 'feature phone',
Just reverted back to this ! I have no idea where it came from but having checked the model number it has a battery life of 16.7 days which it must be pretty near to as I've used it for over 2 weeks in the past. 2 admissions here, The phone photo was taken with the 3g phone and I also ended up taking another photo of the model number of the little Alcatel as it was too small for me to see the details ( there maybe a use for this technology after all ! As far as I can see it is from 2009/2010 so has passed my 10 year usage rule ( Also known as the Badger Skinflint rule !)
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I've a pair of Nokia 2010's that take a SIM card the size of the card at the side of the phone you posted earlier.I have to admit for most people the phone call side of phones ( A bit ironic ! ) is not what phones are used for by most people. My lad has a S23 Ultra and I have to admit the camera (for a phone camera) is very good and has the advantage that's it's always with you ( one of my many Hobbies is photography) He offered me his S21 but it is just too big and would have been an overkill for my purpose and I most likely would have killed it, I also realize my outlook on life is very different to what most people want, all I need is emergency/semi emergency contact with people I consider as close friends and family members.
My brother has an old skool carphone fitted in the centre console of his X reg Alpina. Don't think he's ever used it as he didn't have the car from new![]()