I'm not really keen on labels, but I think we all know what is meant by 'the right' in the lyrics to that song. So given the perceived rise in violence and intimidation, including the assassination of one of our MPs, the racist dog whistles and incitement to nationalism coming from leading figures on the leave side of the debate, the talk about scrapping human rights and the scapegoating of immigrants, what's your argument for changing it?
Well I'm not going get into a massive disscussion about it but you mention violence and discrimination as if it only the right that engage in such horrible activity. It isn't. The left are quite capable of just the same practices.
Take a look at the way Antifa carry on, supposedly peaceful marches where people go around with IRA like masks on shouting down and intimidating any opposition. Punching people who dare challenge them. Colleges and universities. Who dare speak out now against policies and ideas put forward by the the left? They are hounded and belittle, shouted down, have hate mail sent them, even threatend with violence. The left are happy to have perfectly good teachers and lecturers hounded from their jobs simply because they dare to be critical and not toe the line 'they' set.
OK so it is not going on 'all the time everywhere' , but it happens and it is becoming more common. Speakers who want to put forward an alternative viewpoint are prevented from speaking. Even if you are of a completely opposite standpoint it behoves places of education to listen to what they have to say. Not to provide them with any kind of justification but so that their views can be examined and discussed. The left seem to want absolutely no discussion about anything they say. It leads people to think they can not back up their arguments.
the racist dog whistles and incitement to nationalism coming from leading figures on the leave side of the debate, the talk about scrapping human rights and the scapegoating of immigrants,
Yes all that is awful but not all 'right-wingers' think and act like that. I could say ... well look at 'Left wing Labour...Anti-Semetic Labour. How awful that all Labour voters are Nazi sympathisers.' I wouldn't say that because it is clearly nonsense. (I voted Labour myself) In just the same way that the lunatic who killed Jo Cox is in no way representative of people who voted Brexit.
Going back a long way I have been at the sharp end of intimidation by the left in the shape of union bullys. TBH it was something and nothing but I had a mate who was a miner and he had much the same but for him it was much more personal and much more direct and being in a dangerous work place with these thugs day after day it was very real.
So don't tell me the left is all 'cuddly and sweet' and on my side. when they are every bit as nasty as the right. The new facists are anti-facists.
So swapping the word 'right' for 'left' is OK. Just a matter of perspective.