It's getting completely outrageous here. The government have booked out a lot of hotels and hostels to house Ukrainians and those that are taking in normal guests are often asking silly money. I had a few days leave carried over from last year which had to be taken before March and I had planned a few days in Mullingar, cycling the length of the canal path in one direction and then the other and also a day on the Greenway between Mullingar to Athlone along an old railway. I didn't do it as the cheapest accommodation I could find was over €100 per night and it was just far too expensive. That was February, I hate to think what they'd charge in tourist season.
I was very happy with what I paid in Scotland last month. The cheapest was in Lamlash and Largs. Stranraer was the most expensive at £55/night. I found the Lomond Park Hotel in Balloch good value. It definitely isn't the Ritz but at £50 with a continental breakfast included, it was fine and they let me take my Brompton into the room with me. I definitely would have paid considerable more in Ireland.