Ooo one more thing, last Friday I pulled my first overtake on another bike!....
About 1.5 miles from home is a steep hill about half a mile long followed by a long flat mile straight (if your on the road, the path is full of little hills where the kerb drops and raises).
As I huffed and puffed to the top of the hill I saw a chav cruise by on his BMX.
No way was I having that - I'm a proper cyclist now and I'm not losing to a guy riding one handed, with no gears or helmet on an 'hilly' path with a can of special brew in his hand (well maybe not the spec brew!)
Even though I was bolloksed from the hill I shifted 'The Hogg' into 18th and put the hammer down.
Went past the guy in a spray of sweat and grunts but he knew it was on. Him on the path, fresh as a daisy, me on the road. He had a go but it was not to be.
All you need to know is, I done him. By miles. :-D