The booze-quittin' buddy thread!

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A Human Being
Not tried it with sugar. Interesting...
Far nicer without sugar.


Legendary Member
Still dry, though better half informed me we have a leaving night out on 31 JANUARY! Told her I'll drive.


Dog on a bike
[/friendly tone] Those people still finding it a struggle on day 24, doesn't this highlight in a worrying way a dependency you hadn't noticed before? I'm used to it being a struggle (usually right up until I fall off the wagon although it gets slightly easier as you build momentum). What I'm trying to highlight is quite often people will say "oh I don't have a problem with alcohol, I could give it up tomorrow" but then they never try it. Those that do try realise just what a struggle it can actually be.


Bimbleur extraordinaire
Back up north
Although I wonder how much of the 'struggle' is due to habit. e.g. you always have a beer with a curry, so it doesn't seem right to have a curry without (or on a Saturday night, or while watching the match on TV, or whatever).
A bit like a small part of the smoking habit is having something to do with your hands...

(I'n not denying chemical dependency at all, just saying* that it's not necessarily the whole story in everyone).

*speculating might be a more accurate word here!


Sunny Suffolk
Oddly, this giving up booze for a month has been strangely easy. I wasn't really a big drinker beforehand, but did enjoy supping a few pints of real ale down the pub with friends once a week, as much fir the social aspect as anything else.

If I was planning a ride on a Sunday, I would tend not to drink on a Saturday as I knew it would slow me down a little. Cycling more important than drinking, what is the world coming to...
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