The Bonj Book of Riding a Bike

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New Member
Donnez moi le livre de l'enfant terrible a chat de Cyclisme.

I know chat is cat in french but I don't know what chat is :becool:

You may have detected that I can't speak French.

Mr Pig

New Member
What is this book of which you speak? Is it as great as the Argos book of dreams?


Jaffa Cake monster
Manchester, UK
<Monty Python's "Life of Bonj">

"You're all individuals. You don't need to be told about bikes by anyone."
"I'm not, so count me in please"

</Monty Python's "Life of Bonj">


You know, I've met quite a few people online who come across totally different in person, I bet bonj is actually really sound and would politely agree to disagree in person whilst getting the next round in. Still, it's those different online contributions that make it entertaining!
GrahamG said:
You know, I've met quite a few people online who come across totally different in person, I bet bonj is actually really sound and would politely agree to disagree in person whilst getting the next round in. Still, it's those different online contributions that make it entertaining!

Quick magnatom - a brain scan! There's obviously something wrong with Graham... :smile:


Legendary Member
punkypossum said:
It's ready to travel again - who would like it next then?

I thank you for your kind offer and would be grateful if you sent it to me at your earliest convenience.:?:


New Member
'scuse me, I'm a tad new to all this but I do like a good read so in the interests of expanding the knowledge circle I really think it should come here next - please?

Andy in Sig

Vice President in Exile
Tetedelacourse said:
Donnez moi le livre de l'enfant terrible a chat de Cyclisme.

I know chat is cat in french but I don't know what chat is :biggrin:

You may have detected that I can't speak French.

Auch ich hätte sehr gern eine Kopie vom Buch geschrieben vom Teufelskind des Radlerplauderns.:biggrin:
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