Hmm...I quite liked the article and I found it fairly balanced, both in presenting the issues and addressing them impartially.
I know that the issues presented within it have probably been churned over to the point of exhaustion in this and many other forums, but if you're not into cycling or chatting on forums, then you probably werent aware of the amount of evidence, pointed to in the article, which contradicts the suppositions of your average driver and / or rider...or any other type for that matter.
Highlighting these bones of contention and pointing them out to the masses as myths, which bare no consequence over whether an accident is caused, or not then, seems to be a perfectly reasonable way of pointing out to drivers and cyclists alike, that the main issues at hand are down do infrastructure, general dicking around or inexperience (on both parts) and heavy handed driving and I think there's a strong possibility that the more people are made to think about these things, the more they will consider how they do things in future.
Definitely didn't get the 'blame the dangerously silly victim' view which seems to have been taken.
Hey ho...