I was just about to jump in and recommend the Adagio flatwounds, but a couple of you got there before me!
I am using them on my cheapo Crafter bass, and have no complaints at all.....
On a separate issue, does anyone here have experience of using a short scale bass, compared to a regular scale one? It's not the shorter distance between frets that I am seeking. It's something much lighter to stand and play than the slab of the Crafter.
I keep looking at the Harley Benton short scale P Bass for about £83 delivered, but I can't quite get up the courage to pull the trigger on one. It must be cheap: I can't justify spending a lot when bass is not my main instrument.
Apart from the physical difference in size and weight, is the sound likely to be much different? (I am basically an acoustic guitarist that has been drafted in to play basic bass root note accompaniment for a singing group.)