Done 90 minutes practice today. Put my bass playlist on random and played along with my headphone amp as Mrs D was having a lay in. Great fun.
I ordered a headphone amp a week or two ago so I could play downstairs while she watches the TV. I had a text from Fed Ex last Thursday telling me they had just delivered it, which struck me as odd as I was in the house and near the front door all morning.
The shop has been trying to chase it up, but there was a letter in yesterday's post from a couple living about 8 miles away who live in a road with a similar name to ours and the same house number….they've got my package and couldn't get in touch with FedEx to come and collect it (not surprised, I was trying to the get through to FedEx for over an hour with no luck). I phoned the people up and will collect it from them tomorrow, they sounded very decent folk who were doing their best to help the package find its way to me.
But 8 miles away and a completely different post code - bloody drivers! We used to have a great FedEx guy round here, if he saw me coming along the road and had a package for me, he'd stop and hand it over.
Anyway, hopefully tomorrow evening I can sit here in comfort with my bass, headphones and a glass of decent whisky.