Thanks Over the Hill,
The initial weight gain (pre returning to cycling) was through lifestyle. My partner at the time would have dinner cooked as I came home, and it was all processed foods bought from Iceland and the likes.
This and the fact I overate, didn't exercise and led a sedentary life saw me put weight on.
When I shifted the partner, pre-cycling still, I changed my eating habits considerably. Cooking fresh food, buying less fatty and sugary foods, changing everything I used to do.
Now between the two bikes, I put on 6lbs or so, nothing stupid, but even though I'd been given a hire bike through the claim handling company, I was unable to ride it due to having sprained my wrist in the incident, so was using buses for travel. The eating was still maintained, however just the fact I'm no longer burning off the intake through cycling saw it come on, but I wasn't worried about it.
Now I have the new bike, I've burnt off those 6lbs and the rest is going too.
It was just unfortunate that the incident (I daren't call it accident, as it wasn't) happened when it did. Fortunately my boss came to my aid though and purchased the new bike to allow me to train.
Please do not feel the need to explain yourself though, it is appreciated, and hopefully my response doesn't sound like keyboard rambling.