The Archers

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  • I love the Archers. It's a wonderful British institution

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  • Anyone who listens to the Archers should be institutionalised

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nothing in moderation
the tune is known as barwick green or something (me mum had the sheet music).

Rhythm Thief

Legendary Member
Ross on Wye
The theme tune is used at the end of the Bonzo Dog Doo Dah band's "Jollity Farm" too.
I can't stand The Archers, largely because of the terribly addictive theme song. It gets in your head if you hear so much as a note of it.


back and brave
I've never listened to the Archers (heard snippets on other programs etc though) so I can't really comment on the program but I'm not a fan of the theme tune. It sounds very jolly hockey sticks to me.

What does bug me is people claiming, in a weird affected way, to listen to it. As if they can't help it, it's a weakness, it's them being wacky, or it's somehow twee. I honestly don't give a damn and often feel like letting them know I listen to the weather forecasts... adopting that same tone of voice.


alecstilleyedye said:
i don't listen to it, but as my mum was (is?) a devotee, its theme tune is woven into my childhood memories.

billy connolly made a good gag out of the theme tune too :smile:


And the amazing thing is, that despite having been subjected to it for all of my formative years, I couldn't tell you the names of any of the characters, nor any event that has ever occured in it. Either I have a) a remarkable ability to tune out unwanted noise, or :sad: it is deathly dull. I'm guessing it's :cheers:.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
FFS, if you don't like it, people, don't listen. I don't watch Coronation Street or live football coverage and then come on here and bang on about how dull it is....

Yes, I listen. Wanna make something of it?:sad:

Also, I know someone who can sing Bowie's Space Oddity to the theme tune, in I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue style....


Openly Marxist
It's shite. I never said it was any good.

I still listen to it though. And I know pretty much all of the characters. This is what you need to know: David, Jenny, Adam, Shula, Usha, Lizzie, Will, Emma, Susan and Amy are all c**ts. Jazzer, Joe, Eddie, Clarrie, Bert, Pat, Lynda, Lillian, Jolene, Nigel and Brian are all good value. Although Brian is also a complete w****r. Everyone else is a bit boring. And there you have it :sad:.


I think the Archers is great - always listen on a Sunday morning.


theclaud said:
It's shite. I never said it was any good.

I still listen to it though. And I know pretty much all of the characters. This is what you need to know: David, Jenny, Adam, Shula, Usha, Lizzie, Will, Emma, Susan and Amy are all c**ts. Jazzer, Joe, Eddie, Clarrie, Bert, Pat, Lynda, Lillian, Jolene, Nigel and Brian are all good value. Although Brian is also a complete w****r. Everyone else is a bit boring. And there you have it :cheers:.

:smile: I sense defensive justification based on the principle of staunch rebuttal followed by giving of ground to allow for mutual agreement.

Coward :sad:


Openly Marxist
Crackle said:
:smile: I sense defensive justification based on the principle of staunch rebuttal followed by giving of ground to allow for mutual agreement.

Coward :sad:

Well I am slightly ashamed of it :cheers:. But then I listen to The Today Programme as well, and that's far more worrying...


Arch said:
FFS, if you don't like it, people, don't listen. I don't watch Coronation Street or live football coverage and then come on here and bang on about how dull it is....

Yes, I listen. Wanna make something of it?xx(

Also, I know someone who can sing Bowie's Space Oddity to the theme tune, in I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue style....

Hmmm, for the first 18 years of my life, I didn't have a choice.


Married to Night Train
Salford, UK
User482 said:
Hmmm, for the first 18 years of my life, I didn't have a choice.

Well, since you claim not to remember a thing about it, it doesn't seem to have done you any harm...xx(

I haven't listened all my life, it was sometimes on in the background when I was a kid, but not religiously. I got into it when I came to Uni and didn't have a telly. And it's on at just the right time for me to eat my dinner to it.. But I don't rush to get home or have to listen wherever I am or anything...
longers said:
Wasn't the series started as a sort of public information programme for townies and sort of never went away?

I also understood that it was started as a a public information programme, not for townies but for farmers, to introduce them to new ideas and new ways of doing things.

Cue - Fnaar :evil:


Arch said:
Well, since you claim not to remember a thing about it, it doesn't seem to have done you any harm...:evil:
I haven't listened all my life, it was sometimes on in the background when I was a kid, but not religiously. I got into it when I came to Uni and didn't have a telly. And it's on at just the right time for me to eat my dinner to it.. But I don't rush to get home or have to listen wherever I am or anything...

I didn't say it was harmful, I said it was deathly dull. :biggrin:
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