For various reasons I have been a slacker in 2024. These being:
The awful 2024 Lake District weather ie rain, rain and even more rain. So much so that we are actively considering moving home long-term which would be a major turnabout in our life plan.
Numerous low-level injuries - back (twice), left knee (3 times) and currently left shoulder. Caused mainly by doing too much heavy lifting re DIY and one slip in the rocky Lakeland Fells.
And... generally becoming a lazy bugger as I get older (68 now), and despite maintaining a very good level of fitness for my age (according to my GP - as well as me!) the lure of my gym (turbo, treadmill and multi-gym) which is year round warm, cosy and requires minimal 'getting ready', virtually always trumps cycling or hiking/scrambling these days.
On the upside I am very diligent about completing my indoor exercise plan. So, maybe this challenge, being so flexible, will help me transfer my diligence back into cycling!
So having failed to qualify for the 2025 50k/50 miles challenge, here I am.
I am not keen on k's tbh and much prefer miles. Principally, as that is what my brain always defaults to and, because of this, my bike computer, smart watch, and mapping software settings reflect my preference.
So, I will kick off with 30 miles for 2025 and see how I get on.
TLDR: Lazy bugger hampered by Lake District weather, and minor injuries, in 2024 decides to give 30 miles a punt in the 2025 ALC.