Puzzle game procrastinator!
- Location
- Todmorden - Yorks/Lancs border
Splendid effort, especially considering everything else that has been going on!Lunacy 2020 completed.

I am actually finding the challenge a DISincentive to doing long rides this year... I have left things so late that it would take a really determined effort to get the required remaining 12 rides done before winter. If I carry on like this then at some point I would have to just accept that it wasn't going to happen, but if I go and do 4 or 5 qualifying rides then I am going to feel a big pressure on me to get the others done, even if I am not enjoying them!
I think the best bet is to just get one more done ASAP and see how I felt about it. If I enjoyed that ride, then bite the bullet and carry on. If my heart wasn't really in it, then accept defeat (again!) and look forward to a future vaccine-enabled, forum ride-friendly year (hopefully 2021).