Oh well, I
tried... But (evidently!

) failed.
Things were not going well today so I decided to do the sensible thing and abandon after just 1 of my 3 horrid A-road laps.
I have had backache for a couple of days and it got worse with every km ridden. It meant I was riding even more slowly than usual and would probably have needed to complete my ride in the dark, though I suspect that the back problem would have become a show-stopper before then anyway.
I had also underestimated the wind conditions which led to me getting very chilled due to underdressing for the conditions. I can confirm that calling in at a warm home when struggling on a long ride and with 2/3 of it still to go is not good for motivation! As soon as I walked in the door, my plan to quickly change into warmer kit just evaporated.
I haven't been sleeping well this year. I can generally get away with it but it is starting to catch up with me. I didn't feel fully alert out on the bike and the roads had more traffic than expected so I needed to have my wits about me. That was demonstrated early on when a dozy driver pulled out of a side road as I was getting to it and I was doing about 40 km/hr at the time. Fortunately, I was still paying attention then and managed to swerve out of his way. "
It's not my fault - I didn't see you" isn't really a proper defence, is it! As time went on though, my concentration was going. I wasn't actually falling asleep on the bike, but was 25% of the way there and it was only going to get worse.
I have made a few jokes about having to try to finish my Lunacy Challenge late in December, but I really did mean what I posted when setting up the challenge - I really do
not enjoy doing long rides in the UK winter. If I were faster, or lived in a warmer, flatter part of the country then it might not be such an issue.
I could have another go tomorrow but I would rather not. Sunshine is forecast but it will still be chilly. I don't fancy the local valley roads or messing about on early trains. That's me done for this year!
I made a decent stab at this challenge and the metric a month, but fell just short in both this year. Never mind - I will try to be better organised in 2020 and get fitter too so that long rides don't feel quite so hard.
I am not going to beat myself about these failures - 7 years ago I was close to death, and thought that even if I survived I would possibly never be able to ride my bike again. Whatever I do now is a HUGE bonus!
I enjoy riding with you lot and following what you get up to. More of the same in 2020, eh?