The Amateur Astronomy Thread

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Every blooming year we hear about the Geminids and Perseids...every year I think to look out there for them (I'm a poor sleeper so can be awake at all sorts of now)...and I've yet to see anything other than a very rare single event.

Tbf, I stood at my window last night, circa 2 am and despite some fuzz in the sky, a glow appeared and almost instantly disappeared in the distance. Usually we see them streaking across the sky, this one must have been headed directly toward me, no tail, just a glow, then gone.


Legendary Member
Seen Perseids well a few times, but rarely does my schedule and the weather seem to coincide favourably,


Daddy's got, 'not another telescope!'

As I sometimes work away I've been looking for something a bit more portable than my 150mm reflector, and as I travel around a bit I can keep an eye on marketplace for lots of different areas.

Yesterday on the way past Lancaster I picked this up for £50, it's missing the counterweight for the mount but I was planning to go simple AZ with it anyway, apparently a sturdy photo tripod will support a little 90mm Mak.

I've only tested it in daylight but it gives lovely sharp images with a 32mm plossel, and a 5mm BST Starguider, only slight downside is a narrow field of view as the focal length is 1250mm.

Also, they're supposed to be quite friendly with DSLRs if you want to try astrophotography on a budget.

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