The oddest, freakiest, most shiver inducing place I've ever cycled through, was one day, my cycling buddy Sarah & I were having a long pootle round various Norfolk lanes, as we have frequently enjoyed doing. This particular day we were cycling without maps (a bad move) and we ended up taking a wrong turning. We cycled through a village where everyone, but everyone was wearing wellies. The other clothing consisted of ancioent dungarees and old sweatshirts. There were some kids who came zooming round a bend near us, on bikes, all in wellies, all *screaming* and *screeching* and one turned to look at us as he went by. This kid had a perfectly spherical head, with a mop of Kevin Keegan perm curls and I swear he didn't turn his head, but he *swivelled* it - like some sort of evil doll in a low-budget horror movie.
I think Sarah & I cycled the fastest we ever have as we got out of there! It was *odd* and *strange*