Sea of vapours
- Location
- Clapham, Yorkshire Dales
4th - 109km / 2,300m (Cross of Greet, Settle, Malham, Arncliffe, Stainforth, Austwick)
14th - 100km / 1,400m (Ribblehead, Hawes, Garsdale, Sedbergh, Arkholme, Wennington)
27th - 115km / 1,800m (Ribblehead, Askrigg, Kidstones, Halton Gill, Settle, Eldroth)
4th - 109km / 2,300m (Cross of Greet, Settle, Malham, Arncliffe, Stainforth, Austwick)
14th - 100km / 1,400m (Ribblehead, Hawes, Garsdale, Sedbergh, Arkholme, Wennington)
27th - 115km / 1,800m (Ribblehead, Askrigg, Kidstones, Halton Gill, Settle, Eldroth)