Went out today for February’s ride! I was planning to take my road bike which has been completely revamped since June’s accident and I haven’t yet ridden it! But the weather closed in and the thought of new skinny road tyres on wet roads didn’t appeal, so I took my touring bike! This month, a pal came with me on her MTB, she’s much fitter than me so we were very well matched and had an absolute blast chatting along for 50km. She’s single and her life is VERY different and more exciting than mine!! Those miles flew by! Lovely lunch/coffee/orangina at the Honey Street Mill cafe and then over the hill home. Now safely on the sofa with blankets and two cats.
Really grateful for this challenge motivating me to get out on my bike in damp, mizzly conditions. I would usually reschedule but didn’t because my friend came with me! And surprise, it wasn’t that bad! Loved it! Buzzing!