- Location
- Sunny Radcliffe
8 Km to Bolton, train to Southport and ride back, should just reach 70 Kms, if not, circle the block a couple of times. 

Interesting ride, this morning. The left-hand crank came off. (Sloppy preventative maintenance by yours truly.) After I managed to get it back on and tighten down the screws, really tight, I paused to take this view near Coddenham.
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Big birthday today,
Planning a 70 Km ride on Friday to celebrate, no riding for a while after that as am cruising from the 8th to the 25th
Had another great ride today – more info + photos in the ‘Your Ride Today’ thread.
Today was also my new gravel bike’s inaugural ride in this challenge. That’s the fourth of my six bikes to do a ride in this year’s challenge (ignoring any multi-bike rides) – hopefully I’ll organise it so that the other two also get a ride in before the end of the year.
Here’s the new bike (Katie-Mae) on the Nantes-to-Brest canal south of Rohan
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Which bike will we get to meet in the summer?
Updated the challenge thread with a few outstanding rides. Today’s ride (8 May) is my qualifying ride for May @13 rider
A bit of sunshine today but a chilly NE wind. Here’s the boulangerie and church in the centre of Trémorel at lunchtime
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The churches paint job make it look like a 2d extension of the mural