And we're in for another year! That's 7 years, since 2017.
This year has been a struggle - by far my lowest annual mileage since I started cycling seriously about 10 years ago. A slow start to the year, just general lethargy. I had imagined that I'd make up the mileage in the summer and autumn, but unexpectedly got a prostate cancer diagnosis. Surgery in September, fully expected to drop out of the challenge then, but managed to squeeze in an e-bike-assisted ride in October. November's ride was fine - beautiful sunny day, plenty time, quiet roads. All I need to do is a 50 some time in December, and that's another year done.
Easier said than done. Family stuff going on, weather wasn't brilliant - all of a sudden it's the week before Christmas, and there's weather warnings forecast virtually every day between now and the end of the month.
The only option looks like Boxing Day - weather forecast favourable, so planned to get out early.
Unfortunately, fate had other plans. I had an unexpected Christmas present - toothache! A tooth that's been giving me problems for years, each time the dentist says "are you sure you want me to try to save it? It's pretty far gone..." - was due to start root treatment in early January - but woke up on Christmas in agony. Anyway - NHS24, emergency dentist Boxing Day mid morning. Tooth now in a jar.But the chances of a Boxing Day morning ride had gone.
Early afternoon, decided to go out. Along the coast to Portencross, round the farm roads and bridleway to Hunterston, then back. About 30k, and most importantly flat - since the surgery I'm struggling with hills. Around the town, out to the harbour, round the sea front then along some farm roads.
10 miles from home, it's getting very dark - batteries on lights starting to give warnings - reached the end of my street, 49k on the clock. Round the block to get home with Garmin saying 50.04km.