With temperatures finally getting into the 20's, had to get the bike out. I've already done one ride for March, so decided to go for 50 miles this time. Couldn't believe the number of cyclists out still wearing longs. The sun's out so it has to be shorts. Having said that, it might have been a good idea to have bought some sun cream... Pasty white legs are now just a little red.
Headed out to Maldon and correctly guessed that the Prom would be packed. Instead, followed the coast path towards Tollesbury. Lots of people to start with, but after about a mile, there was hardly anyone else around.
More or less took the same route back and I think the sun had got to several drivers. First one decided to hold behind me as we were coming up to a blind bend. Just as we are on the bend, he decides to overtake. There wasn't anything coming the other way, but if there had been we would all have been toast.
Special mention goes to the lady who overtook me while I was indicating right for a T junction. She was turning left and only got in front because I braked hard. Why!!!!
Headed out to Maldon and correctly guessed that the Prom would be packed. Instead, followed the coast path towards Tollesbury. Lots of people to start with, but after about a mile, there was hardly anyone else around.
More or less took the same route back and I think the sun had got to several drivers. First one decided to hold behind me as we were coming up to a blind bend. Just as we are on the bend, he decides to overtake. There wasn't anything coming the other way, but if there had been we would all have been toast.
Special mention goes to the lady who overtook me while I was indicating right for a T junction. She was turning left and only got in front because I braked hard. Why!!!!