I can't remember issuing a well done for getting a ride in January before but well done your up and runningWas starting to think I was going to fall at the first hurdle as for various reasons I haven't been near a bike since the new year. Today was perfect for getting out, although I did struggle a bit to finally haul myself off the couch but finally I managed it. I huffed and puffed a bit going over the hill to Giffnock then some more when I realised there was a tough headwind from there down to Fenwick but the sun was out and the joy of being out definitely out weighed the graft, although I really need to consider doing this loop the other way at least once as when I turn for home it's always sheltered with next to no wind.
I go on holiday for 17 days later this week so this was my last chance to get a ride in before I go. Next month will also be touch and go unless I hire a bike and do some cycling whilst I'm away, which is unlikely for a couple of different reasons so I'll just need to keep my fingers crossed for next month and hopefully make up for lost time come March.
Thanks.I can't remember issuing a well done for getting a ride in January before but well done your up and running
Great ride out today round Loch Katrine which is a great training route if you need some hill work under your belt. I did this with my brother and I think we seem to do the loop the wrong way as once again we met a number of cyclists but nearly all coming from the opposite direction. Either way, it's a great ride and the weather was near perfect apart from a bit of a head wind on the way out that obviously disappeared on the return leg. Nice to have a ride in this early and hopefully it will be the same next month before the weather really turns.
Credit where credit's dueWell done @Jon George first August ride posted
Also it's now 2020...August
01/08/20 https://www.strava.com/activities/3846196937 Cambridge to Downham straight down the A10 mostly 65km 1Pt. 69.7km 1pt