Finally posted up my ride which turned out to be my only qualifying ride of the month. I had high hopes of at least a couple of more rides but it turned out a month of little more than commute rides. The ride itself was excellent as we headed into the city for the Glasgow lets ride event. I did meet a fellow CCer, which is always a pleasure and Mrs Slick managed to coax my mate and his teenage daughter off the couch to join us even if they did drive almost all the way into town first.
I've never done the let's ride thing before and was a bit apprehensive as it's more a kids and family kind of day, but we all loved it. The entertainment in the green was ace and it's always fun cycling in the city without having to worry about traffic. We did 4 laps of the 5 mile route before racing my mate and his daughter home, we lost but only just.

I've never done the let's ride thing before and was a bit apprehensive as it's more a kids and family kind of day, but we all loved it. The entertainment in the green was ace and it's always fun cycling in the city without having to worry about traffic. We did 4 laps of the 5 mile route before racing my mate and his daughter home, we lost but only just.