The 2019 Half Century a month Challenge chatzone

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13 rider

13 rider

I'm in for the metric half challenge. Being new to the challenge I am not sure how it works. Do we just report the ride in this thread? Sorry if it is explained elsewhere, my search didn't seem to turn up anything.
This thread is for general chat about the challenge . There is a separate challenge thread for posting your rides in sub section marked cyclechat monthly challenges . Welcome aboard
13 rider

13 rider

Here's the link I hope
With a brief run down about the rules . Any questions just ask away were a friendly bunch


Un rouleur infatigable
I’m in. I’d like another shiny bronze star please for 2019.


Never used Über Member
And so it begins - just in from my first metric half of 2019.
Always good to get a ride in on the 1st January, not least because I use MapMyRide and as I'm the first person over each course I'm currently the fastest on every one of them :laugh: It won't last, but I'm having it while it does.
Lovely sunny weather out there, but by 'eck its cold. :cold: I'm off to thaw out now and have a brew - report to follow later.
Off the mark for January and 2019 for that matter with a nice but cool ride out to Sutton Wharf cafe stop near Market Bosworth.

Familiar rolling lanes for the most part and met up with a few familiar faces in the form of @13 rider, @Supersuperleeds, a recovering @tallliman and said hi and bye to @Lilliburlero as he had to get back.

The cafe was rammed and matters were not helped by one serving and so a quick 15 min break and chinwag in the cold outdoor seating area was all we got from there.

After setting off and saying goodbye to tallliman who was parked up nearby I carried on for a few miles with the other lads and peeled off from them just after Desford to head towards home which was slightly uphill and into a cold northerly headwind, which impacted on my average speed drop (not that I care though!)

36.2 miles in 2 1/4 hours.

slow scot

Did a pleasant albeit cold 55 kms today, so, like many others have kick started my 2019 challenge.
My last logged ride for 2018 was 53 kms but I noticed this morning when I re-set my computer that in fact it was only 52 kms. I realise I have gone beyond the pale and can only await punishment. To whom do I pay the fine?
13 rider

13 rider

Did a pleasant albeit cold 55 kms today, so, like many others have kick started my 2019 challenge.
My last logged ride for 2018 was 53 kms but I noticed this morning when I re-set my computer that in fact it was only 52 kms. I realise I have gone beyond the pale and can only await punishment. To whom do I pay the fine?
That would be the thread monitor :tongue:. For falsely claiming an extra kilometre your punishment will be doing 2 extra kms on your next ride :okay:
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