Off to a flyer to celebrate my 65th birthday

Rode to Costa in Leigh via Bolton, Westhoughton and Hindley. Was very hungry on arrival so celebrated with a Greggs Steakbake.

John arrived and joined me for coffee and a chat. After riding the guided busway we arrived in Bolton via Walkden and Farnworth where further festivities were held on Churchgate outside Ye Olde Pasty Shoppe
Not as grand as festivities held in my youth on May Day, like the military parade in Moscow and other socialist activities around the world but I see the French have still retained their tradition of civil unrest to help me celebrate.
Turning 65 however does not bring the untold riches of a state pension and a free bus pass. No, I must wait until November to reap those rewards so I have now become a pensioner without a pension.