I opened my front door this morning … 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, I could hear the wind in the trees on the other side of the lake for the first time in a couple of weeks, and it was warmer inside my house than outside. Normal service has been resumed….
I wasn’t sure where I was going to ride today, nor for how long. The strength of the W wind was carrying me along at such a pace that I decided to let it carry me for one hour, then spend the next two hours or so getting home, and try and get another 50km ride out of it. After 64 minutes (in which I’d covered an astonishing – to me – 21.02km), I decided to turn into the wind and gradually ease myself back towards home. Easier said than done. In places my speed was below 8kph and on one occasion a gust nearly had me in the ditch. I ended up doing a partial circumnavigation of the western edge of the Forêt de Paimpont, and then a few kilometres of the V3(S) so as to position myself SW of home, to have a gentle ride back for the last few kilometres.
21km in the first hour at breakneck speed, then another three hours (including stops) to do a further 37km….