The 2017 Half Century (50 KM or 50 Mile) A Month Challenge - Chatzone

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13 rider

Time for one last 50km for the month . First 50km Ive done off road riding the Brampton trail from Market Harborough to Northampton it was muddy but fun Hybrid got a good work out as did the legs 40 plus miles on gravel is hard work . Did 48.9 miles and just couldnt be bothered to round it up bit disappointed in myself now


Legendary Member
Time for one last 50km for the month . First 50km Ive done off road riding the Brampton trail from Market Harborough to Northampton it was muddy but fun Hybrid got a good work out as did the legs 40 plus miles on gravel is hard work . Did 48.9 miles and just couldnt be bothered to round it up bit disappointed in myself now

Slacker :laugh:


Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
I joined @wicker man in the "by the skin of their teeth" club today.

I've just not been feeling it at all, no energy, no enthusiasm, and it was a struggle getting out of the door. First 12 miles were pleasant, and then after that it just all went bad... I had a Tom DeMoulin style diarrhoea attack 15 miles in which required a swift undressing in a forest to get the bibs off... luckily I was carrying some kitchen roll in my pocket so at least comfort afterwards wasn't a factor. Sorry, too much info I know. Then I cut my knee, and I also developed pain in the same kneecap when climbing, and it started to rain even though none was forecast, and I had no waterproofs. At the end of the ride my legs were burning, I was miserable, and I'm convinced that had to be the worst ride of the year for me.
Still, it's done.

13 rider

I joined @wicker man in the "by the skin of their teeth" club today.

I've just not been feeling it at all, no energy, no enthusiasm, and it was a struggle getting out of the door. First 12 miles were pleasant, and then after that it just all went bad... I had a Tom DeMoulin style diarrhoea attack 15 miles in which required a swift undressing in a forest to get the bibs off... luckily I was carrying some kitchen roll in my pocket so at least comfort afterwards wasn't a factor. Sorry, too much info I know. Then I cut my knee, and I also developed pain in the same kneecap when climbing, and it started to rain even though none was forecast, and I had no waterproofs. At the end of the ride my legs were burning, I was miserable, and I'm convinced that had to be the worst ride of the year for me.
Still, it's done.
Well done for getting it done . That's the danger of leaving it late you can't bail and go again .


I wouldn't have done so many qualifying rides if I didn't regularly go out with a group.


Or 100km (62.26 miles), or 100 miles....although those distances have their own challenge if you can't do that every month they're nice to drop into this one.
Be careful - it gets addictive ;)

Unfortunately I don't have the inclination and at the moment the 2018 tour is in danger of being called off.:sad:

I'm still going on the turbo trainer/commuting though and that's my only hope at the moment.

I'm not particularly interested in cycling round London...I'm fed up with it anyway so commuting is fine for me.

Been doing the turbo trainer since late may and have now done 1200 trainer miles @ 15mph roughly since then.(at least that's a bright spot and better than nothing even if it isn't outside)

This is the first month I've done more trainer miles than commuting miles although I did have three days off with leave this month.
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Macho Business Donkey Wrestler
I wouldn't have done so many qualifying rides if I didn't regularly go out with a group.
It just occurred to me after your post that it's my first solo ride in something like a year, I'm normally out with a group...
What a difference. Much harder with no mates to sweep you along and to chivvy you up when you get a mishap or when you're just a bit low.


I had a day off on Friday, so went for a trip up the coast, with the intention of doing a 50k.
Quite a pleasant morning when I left, and reasonably calm.

The first 20k or so of that journey is fine - quite a busy A road, but reasonably wide and open. Made really good progress.

Next section of that road is a death trap for bikes. Narrower, and fence close on one side with sea beyond. Didn’t want to do that one, so a loop round the town and turned home, picking up a new veloviewer square in the process.

At that point, I discovered why I had made such good progress on the way out - the wind had got up, and was now in my face :-(
So a slog homeward, with the garmin showing 46k as I reached the end of my street. So straight on for another few k, before heading home with a tailwind.


Sunny Radcliffe
Visited Mum today, lovely this morning but went very cool after my egg and bacon sandwich in Rivington. Long (for me) climb from Horwich to the Blundell Arms, with no stops, :wahhey: after which it was a bit fresh on my old knees down hill all the way to Bolton. 38.05 miles in total.
Glad I have my October ride in early. Biopsy on the prostate next Thursday. Hopefully back on the bike before November.

Only 150 miles to do to get my 2,000 miles for the year. Feeling quite pleased. Not a great milage to you young whipper snappers but still 2,000 miles more than all those on the couch.
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