I believe you can you the challenge at many time . for me if you have done a 50 km ride in Jan I can't see why you can't back date the claim after all the rides are self policed and done on trust .if not go for the eleven months . But I don't make the rules such as they are but it seems fairly relaxed see what the general consensus isOnly just seen this thread, can I join a month late and log rides etc. Obviously wont be able to complete the year challenge but hoping to motivate myself to complete my own '11 month half century challenge'.
Get stuck in and log some ridesIf you have done a 50 in Jan, I'm sure you can count it
I try to get the rides done early as you never know what's round the corner and we all take are health for granted . hope you get back on the bike soon but don't push it to much just for this challange your health is more important.I fear I may struggle to keep going with this. January
went well, and glad I got the February one in early. Been bed bound the last 10 days with my rhabdomyolysis again, so not likely back on the bike for probably 10 - 14 days, then gently gently. Can I have a sick note for March @ColinJ ?
Get well soon.I fear I may struggle to keep going with this. January went well, and glad I got the February one in early. Been bed bound the last 10 days with my rhabdomyolysis again, so not likely back on the bike for probably 10 - 14 days, then gently gently. Can I have a sick note for March @ColinJ ?