That was embarrassing

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Active Member
i did one today . too fast in wet weather.
car cut in making me swerve. hit the brakes too hard then slam into the back of another car in rush hour slowing traffic.

he was good about it . the edriver who cut me up went on by

i streghterened my shifters apologised for hitting the back of the guy who stopped and got going. i still think it was not completely at fault though.

just going a bit too fast for the conditions.

and before anyone comments.
i did check for damage on the car i hit. (there was none)


Rider of Seolferwulf
South London
This seems like a good point to repost that classic cyclist headbutt:

I went into a lampost :thumbsup:

Head down, in segregated cycle lane up a steepish hill I went full tilt into a lampost some idiot had left in the lane :biggrin:

Big bang on the noggin and after a dazed few seconds realised my glasses had flew off, just spotted them in the road before a transit ran over them :blush:

Oh and I've nearly daydreamed myself into the canal a few times :wacko:


Über Member
[QUOTE 1550682"]
No we have not.

Not being funny but I can't believe some of the comments on this thread and how (it would appear) flippant some cyclists can be. If this was the other way round - albeit a minor shunt then I should think some people would be wanting the drivers license suspended and giving advice on who to contact at the CTC.

Yes we are cyclists and the dent we make is not that bigger then a larger more robust vehicle would make, but this does not negate the fact that we should watch what the ****, and where the **** we are riding and our position to other road vehicles.

The HC requires motorists to look take special care when around vulnerable road users, but not vice versa - it does not presume that motor vehicles and bicycles are equivalent, as you seem to be asserting.
I could say that cyclists automatically look after the safety of other road users by not driving.


[QUOTE 1550700"]
That's not what I was asserting at all. I'm talking about riding in a responsible manner. Funny you should mention the HC though as I believe the above is mentioned in it - as the part of the RTA.

Thats why, in my post, I describe avoiding the stopped car, not hitting it. I left enough room and was going slow enough to stop. I still didnt expect to see the stopped car in front of me after my quick shoulder check! :whistle: :smile:
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