Just read LoTR for the (counts fingers, runs out) 'th time. Everytime I read it I find something different and I've been reading the damn thing for almost 30 years now (yes, I have finished it, before some smartarse makes a comment.

Er, I used to be a voracious reader. I had to persuade the library to let me have more than my card allowed and that still wasn't enough.
As for books that have mattered to me, over the years:-
- LoTR
- Spike Milligan's war memoirs
- Siddhartha
- The Sneeches and Other Stories
- Terry Pratchett's Discworld series
- Neil Gaiman's Sandman series
- PG Wodehouse's Jeeves and Wooster series (and the Blandings books)
- Robert Jordan's epic Wheel of Time series (one book left to go and the bastard went and died last year....)
I can't be doing with 'proper' literature on the whole. I either like stuff, or I don't. Being forced to read utter bilge like Wuthering Heights or Far From the Madding Crowd was painful.