Thanks to my helmet, I'm here to write this

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Cycling in Scotland
Auld Reekie
Just another scare story, good for the sale of helmets and putting people off cycling....


benguin said:
Hi everyone,

Am so relieved I can actually be writing this, and following Montage's post I thought I'd just share what has been a very difficult week (and is clearly not quite over). I have just come back from hospital where I spent four days after being hit by a car on my commute back from work. The driver wanted to join the main road and never saw me. I tried to swerve but she still caught me. I was in the middle of the road unconscious for 10 minutes. Emergency services were fantastic. In any case, I cam off incredibly lightly: lost a tooth, suttured lips, will probably get facial scars, burnt knees and shoulder but nothing broken (the new bike is smashed but it's a bike), I walk and I'm alive. To say I'm grateful is nowhere near what I feel. The horrible part was when the police brought me my helmet. Now, I've never been one saying that cycling is dangerous: it isn't inherently. But looking at my helmet, crushed to pieces on the left side where my skull should have been, I know it saved my life. Simple. I'd never been convinced that a helmet would be that useful in accidents. Well, my first serious accident was a side crash and it saved me. I don't really care if sometimes helmets are ineffective: the important bit is that sometimes they also are (and more effective than your skull). I could have lost so much in that accident, anf left quite a few people hurting. For me, it's gonna be helmets all the time. You never know what's going to happen down the road.
Anyway, I don't mean to sound patronizing. Just wanted to share my (and my family's) relief. Now I'm gonna crawl my way to the lounge.

Keep riding,


Exactly Ben - helemts save lifes - i took a tumble last year on the chainy side hit and it helped me: to carry on enough to keep riding.


Glad your alright too !

In fact post some pictures of your helmet if you have it ! - that'll shut up the nah-sayers !


bloody hell fella, you sound chipper under the circumstances, that lot sonds like it might jurt

at least the judge will have to let the driver have all the blame, proabbaly say that by being i primary you weren't where the driver expected to see you or something

best of luck with what sounds like a tasty PI claim


Well-Known Member
Hairy Jock said:
Just another scare story, good for the sale of helmets and putting people off cycling....

Scaring people off cycling certainly was never my intention. If you re-read my post, I maintain that cycling is not a dangerous activity. I've been cycling every day of my life for 22 years now (am 29) and have only had two scary falls. This one, though, was more than that. I could have died. Many people who saw me on the road as it happened thought I was, in fact, as a I didn't open my eyes or move for 10 minutes. The fact that nothing was broken is just incredible. I'm really grateful to be alive, that's all and know that, in this instance, that's due to my helmet. Now I don't care if in any other accident my helmet wouldn't have helped. The fact is: this time it did. And you can't predict how you're gonna fall or what accident you're going to be involved in. I'm not saying that everyone should wear a helmet (I prefer if they did but everyone has a choice), but seeing what I put my wife, my family and my friends through, I'd encourage anyone to think about who they'd leave behind before 'bashing helmets'. See, I'll hate having scars and a fake tooth, but I'd rather be with them. That's all I'll say on this as I'll now focus on getting better. By the way, the doctors also said that being very fit and healthy obviously helped me a lot. A side effect of cycling, you see.
As to getting back on a bike: I cannot wait, much to the amusement of my wife. In fact, I've already been looking at my Orbea's replacement... Ah, wireless internet!

Best to all,



good to hear your ok, and looking at a replacement bike!

Dan B

Disengaged member
Fab Foodie said:
Maybe there's a reason that we don't get many "Not wearing a helmet saved my life" posts...
I can relate several of my own experiences where I've hit my head on the tarmac. Some helmeted, some not. By the rules of the "helmet saved my life" logic, this should demonstrate that helmets make no difference to anything

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
coruskate said:
I can relate several of my own experiences where I've hit my head on the tarmac. Some helmeted, some not. By the rules of the "helmet saved my life" logic, this should demonstrate that helmets make no difference to anything
Pro-helmet or anti-helmet stories do not prove anything one way or another about the efficacy of helmets per sey as you can't re-enact the event +/- the helmet. I have no problem with people expressing their views. Maybe in this case the helmet saved his life, maybe, it had little effect but looks dramatic, maybe another day it won't save him. We can never know. The debate should continue and anecdotal 'evidence' can be useful.


Über Member
West Sussex
Hairy Jock said:
Just another scare story, good for the sale of helmets and putting people off cycling....

Wah wah wah....

Who on this website will be put off cycling because of that post? Go them.

Also, while you're at it maybe you can let us all know the exact amount of extra revenue the helmet companies shall enjoy due to benguin's post.

In God we trust....everyone else needs stats :smile:
coruskate said:
I can relate several of my own experiences where I've hit my head on the tarmac. Some helmeted, some not. By the rules of the "helmet saved my life" logic, this should demonstrate that helmets make no difference to anything

My friend worked on a case where a cyclists head was run over by a bus and he lived to tell the tail - what are the chances if he hadn't been wearing a lid ?


Fatal or otherwise I have no interest in taking a blow to the skull hard enough to smash in the side of a cycle helmet
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