Thanks to my helmet, I'm here to write this

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Well-Known Member
Hi everyone,

Am so relieved I can actually be writing this, and following Montage's post I thought I'd just share what has been a very difficult week (and is clearly not quite over). I have just come back from hospital where I spent four days after being hit by a car on my commute back from work. The driver wanted to join the main road and never saw me. I tried to swerve but she still caught me. I was in the middle of the road unconscious for 10 minutes. Emergency services were fantastic. In any case, I cam off incredibly lightly: lost a tooth, suttured lips, will probably get facial scars, burnt knees and shoulder but nothing broken (the new bike is smashed but it's a bike), I walk and I'm alive. To say I'm grateful is nowhere near what I feel. The horrible part was when the police brought me my helmet. Now, I've never been one saying that cycling is dangerous: it isn't inherently. But looking at my helmet, crushed to pieces on the left side where my skull should have been, I know it saved my life. Simple. I'd never been convinced that a helmet would be that useful in accidents. Well, my first serious accident was a side crash and it saved me. I don't really care if sometimes helmets are ineffective: the important bit is that sometimes they also are (and more effective than your skull). I could have lost so much in that accident, anf left quite a few people hurting. For me, it's gonna be helmets all the time. You never know what's going to happen down the road.
Anyway, I don't mean to sound patronizing. Just wanted to share my (and my family's) relief. Now I'm gonna crawl my way to the lounge.

Keep riding,



Fuelled with Jelly Babies
South Wales
So glad to read that you will be have convinced me to continue wearing a helmet.


Bike Fluffer
Good to hear you're all in one piece (minus a bit of calcium). I'm a helmet wearer too, have been for so long that I feel naked without it.

Me naked in front of other road users would cause a crash infinitely worse than yours!

Hope you mend quick.


God Almighty
Four days in hospital?

ouuuuuuuucch. I hope the road rash heals up quickly, along with everything else. Glad to hear you are on the mend


New Member
Essex, UK
Great to hear that you're okay and great to hear your story. Until recently I have NEVER worn a helmet. Maybe I thought I was too cool... I've recently bought myself a new bike + safety gear. Hearing stories like yours you know you can't afford to mess with this stuff; sure maybe it won't help, but if there's any chance that it might...
Here's wishing you a full and speedy recovery!

Fab Foodie

hanging-on in quiet desperation ...
Kirton, Devon.
mickle said:
Can we have a dedicated 'my helmet saved my life thread' section? Hidden away behind room 101 somewhere.

Maybe there's a reason that we don't get many "Not wearing a helmet saved my life" posts...


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good wishes folks! Hurting like h... but that's mean I'm alive :-)

All best,


P.S.: can't wait to be back on the bike, although it's gonna be a bit weird to begin with...


Legendary Member
Fab Foodie said:
Maybe there's a reason that we don't get many "Not wearing a helmet saved my life" posts...
I think there are a lot of people whose health has been maintained by regular cycling who would never have started cycling in the first place, or never continued, if they had been required to wear a helmet. Nobody is really interested in stories about people whose life expectancy has been improved and who have not crashed, it's just dull.


God Almighty
snorri said:
I think there are a lot of people whose health has been maintained by regular cycling who would never have started cycling in the first place, or never continued, if they had been required to wear a helmet. Nobody is really interested in stories about people whose life expectancy has been improved and who have not crashed, it's just dull.

I'm pretty sure a lode of those weight los stories go down a treat ;) America it is all the cycling mags are full of!
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