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Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
I agree with some of what you say and I am not able to comment on HGV drivers, but regarding taxi drivers, If you had any idea what is involved in getting a Hackney drivers licence you would know how difficult it is. Police check & Knowledge are just starters. I held licences for 3 different authorities and non of them were easy to come by. I agree there are some undesirables out there but come on give the rest of us some respect:angry::angry:

Police check, not exactyl gruelling, fill in the from and not have a criminal record.
Knowledge, might be true in London. Locally, the only knowledge needed is where to park on double yellow lines to get the best results.

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
I agree there are some undesirables out there but come on give the rest of us some respect:angry::angry:
Respect needs to be earned.


senex crepitu iuvenis cordi esse
Hmmm I always knew that taxi drivers were not the most popular road users but I did not relise that it ran as deep as it seems according to some of the posts I see on here so I will say nothing more except that in reply to Little Yellow Bromptpon during my years as a cabbie I have been involved in a number of accidents down the years and only one was my fault. Not a bad record for well over a million miles of allegedly driving like a maniac.


Senior Member
i think Little Yellow Brompton has a very big chip on his shoulder, I wonder what he does for a living seen he is so keen to slate and slander my profession! If the OP had said it was a blue coller guy driving a mondeo would we still be having this conversation? I think not!

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
i think Little Yellow Brompton has a very big chip on his shoulder, I wonder what he does for a living seen he is so keen to slate and slander my profession! If the OP had said it was a blue coller guy driving a mondeo would we still be having this conversation? I think not!
"Profession"? Oh please.....!

Qualifications needed:-

Breathing? Check!
Driving Licence? Check!
Scrape past a CRB? Check!
Licencing committee approval ? Check!

I'm prepared to accept that you, individually, don't meet the pattern that I have seen , over and over again, but don't, please, try and call driving a taxi a "profession".
The last time I can remember dodgy Cab driving touch wood was when I lived in Dublin 7 or 8 years ago; he pulled out of a minor road at a y shaped junction saw traffic and 360'd back into it. I've probably seen a lot of arrogant/ bullying cab driving since but nothing IIRC I'd consider dangerous but that probably more down to my defensive riding style.


Senior Member
"Profession"? Oh please.....!

Qualifications needed:-

Breathing? Check! - Very well thankfully
Driving Licence? Check! - Full clean UK Licence held for 16 years with NO claims or convictions
Scrape past a CRB? Check! - 99% pass actually
Licencing committee approval ? Check! - Yes with flying colours along with all my police checks!

I'm prepared to accept that you, individually, don't meet the pattern that I have seen , over and over again, but don't, please, try and call driving a taxi a "profession".

And because I own a cab I don't have any qualifications? Why you are very narrow minded aren't you? The fact you don't know me and frankly will never know me how dare you tell me I do not have a profession. I earn a very reasonable wage, I pay my tax bills like everyother worker out there and I contuct myself and my business in a very professional manner. I note you still haven't said what your profession is yet?


senex crepitu iuvenis cordi esse
And because I own a cab I don't have any qualifications? Why you are very narrow minded aren't you? The fact you don't know me and frankly will never know me how dare you tell me I do not have a profession. I earn a very reasonable wage, I pay my tax bills like everyother worker out there and I contuct myself and my business in a very professional manner. I note you still haven't said what your profession is yet?

Well said MissyR. Personally I am just ignoring LYB. He is entitled to an opinion of course but He really hasn't a clue.
Ignoring LYB is always a good plan. It's not just taxi drivers he's biased against. Tell him you're a dog lover too!

For what it's worth, I find there's a strange paradox with the taxi drivers around me. When I'm cycling, they are superb, they really are. Considerate passes, good observations, they even wave you out and rarely encroach ASLs! However, when I'm in a car, they are awful - they speed, bully, change lanes without warning and are generally poor. I do roughly the same amount of miles each year in car and bike, so it's a fair comparison too!

Little yellow Brompton

A dark destroyer of biscuits!
And because I own a cab I don't have any qualifications? Why you are very narrow minded aren't you? The fact you don't know me and frankly will never know me how dare you tell me I do not have a profession. I earn a very reasonable wage, I pay my tax bills like everyother worker out there and I contuct myself and my business in a very professional manner. I note you still haven't said what your profession is yet?

A 99% pass on a CRB? I must have seen hundreds of CRB reports over the years, the vast majority come back with " Nothing known" , some come back with things such as drunk and disorderly , a very few come back with comments , not one, none, zero has ever come back with a % mark. Don't try and kid a kidder , please.

You really think earning a wage and paying taxes qualifies you as a "professional".

OK I'll bite, what qualifications entitle you to be entered into this "profession"?
What is the professional issuing body for Taxi drivers?
What post nominals does this body issue?

Being paid to do something doesn't make you a "professional" , unless of course you are desperate to try and glorify your job.




senex crepitu iuvenis cordi esse


Senior Member
Sounds like someone who has passed The Knowledge qualifies there then

He still hasnt said his profession.... maybe with an attitude like that no-one is prepared to hire him!

Well said MissyR. Personally I am just ignoring LYB. He is entitled to an opinion of course but He really hasn't a clue.

You I think you maybe right taximan :smile: Seems like the best plan of action to be honest. The customers I pick up on a Friday and Saturday night conduct themselves in a better manner and as you will appreciate that is saying something!
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