Joey Shabadoo
My pronouns are "He", "Him" and "buggerlugs"
I used to work for a small company making panels for MG sports cars in Guildford. Being the keyholder, I had to get there first to open up, about 7.45am. It was a fair old walk from my digs, about 30 minutes, in the pitch dark during a particularly cold and stormy winter. I set off about 7 almost bent double into the wind and rain with my hood pulled up. About half way there I stopped to light up a fag. Of course the wind kept blowing my matches out so I turned my back to the wind to finally get my fag lit and carried on walking to work. 15 minutes later I found myself back at my digs.
And that boss, is why I'm late.
And that boss, is why I'm late.