I’ve been toying with the idea of stopping alcohol consumption.
The hangovers just make me feel depressed & I lose all productivity.
Over December it’s just constantly filled with social engagements & parties etc.
The thing is how does one turn up to a house party & just sit there sober as others become louder & louder & silly then more silly?
I can’t see how non drinkers can mix with drunks. Is the answer to just stay away??
I grew up in a teetotal household because my dad was a pastor and dealt with alcoholics a lot, so he preferred not to touch the stuff. Ironically I now work with alcoholics in a rehab centre, which is enough to put anyone off drinking. For obvious reasons being teetotal is accepted among work colleagues, in fact there's a strict 24h ban on drinking before a shift, because an alcoholic can smell alcohol
If I'm not with them, saying "I'm driving" (a bicycle) usually stops any comments. I've never found Germans getting pushy. I always say a bike has an in built alcohol test.
I never worried too much about not being invited to parties because I'm an introvert anyway, and I figure I'm capable of making a fool of myself in a group without any help thank you. In fact I took the attitude that if people made drinking a condition of an invitation then the friendship wasn't worth much.
And think of the money I've saved over the years and was able to spend on bicycles and model making...
Not as dull as lots of people going on about how wonderful not drinking is.
It's like the old vegan joke: How can tell if someone doesn't drink very much. Don't worry, they'll tell you.
We figure you were drunk last time we told you; so you probably don't remember.