What my parents do that annoy me.
1) My dad sometimes goes into a very happy lets annoy mode. So he wonders around looking for something to do, untill he needs another fag or a cup of coffee, then he buggers off
2) My mum forgets things, like forgetting she has asked me something, so she will ask again, and again. Or if i tell her something she wont remember it, so i dont tell her and she moans
3)They think im still cycling alot, when im not doing anywhere near as much as i was
4)They mention not getting a text to say where i am when im on club rides, even though when i do tell them they will say, "wheres that" even when ive told them a few times now
5) They ask me to do things, when im already doing something, or my mum will shout something through to me for me to do, and expect me to do it, over the noise in the house. Or will tell me to do something whilst walking out the room, making it hard to know what she has actually said.
6) They moan i spend too long on the computer, even though im not doing anything wrong and they can see what i'm doing
7) Mum thinks i eat too much, but says ive got rather skinny
8) My parents ask me to look something up on the internet or check the house emails when they can see im doing something on the internet and dont really want to be distracted.
To name a few. I have it easy though, no deflating of tyres to stop me going out, my clothes get washed because i put them on the wash pile, and im not bothered if it isnt done on time. It was annoying yesterday when i was at my GF's sat on the sofa with her and my phone went off. It was my dad texting me for no real reason.
I also get moaned at for not answering my phone while im riding along, even if i dont hear it through wind noise and other road noise, apparently i should do and should answer it.