Team BKool CycleChat

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Über Guru
Skive, Denmark
I might take another stab at the ride if you do it as we are locked in with a terrible bit of weather, and I feel bad for initiating a bit of a time change yesterday causing Rod to miss out.

I stay indoor today too. Fine weather but still ice on the roads I guess, and I'm not feeling 100%. Easier to jump off the trainer than when 20 miles from home! :sad:

@Rod McG you decide when we roll. I'm officially off duty in 15 minutes. :okay:

Rod McG

I stay indoor today too. Fine weather but still ice on the roads I guess, and I'm not feeling 100%. Easier to jump off the trainer than when 20 miles from home! :sad:

@Rod McG you decide when we roll. I'm officially off duty in 15 minutes. :okay:

I'll start the warm up in about 25 mins, at 4pm.


Über Guru
Skive, Denmark

Checked the weather in Sitka earlier today, about 1C and cloudy. Currently -1. The real snow and cold weather happens when it travels across land. That is why it gets cold in the US, as there is a big chunk of land with no water/sea. Sitka is by the sea.
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Checked the weather in Sitka earlier today, about 1C and cloudy. Currently -1. The real snow and cold weather happens when it travels across land. That is why it gets cold in the US, as there is a big chunk of land with no water/sea. Sitka is by the sea.

Figure Shim, Rod and Co. Will be on the receiving end of this eventually, might be like Fastnet 79' level crazy in the sea by them as we are seeing some super low pressure readings.


We had a cold snap and dropped to 18F but now back to normal. Snow today turning to rain tonight. Because the ocean here is always 50F we have mild winters on our island

I seen a cruise advertised for next June around alaska and it looked great..... Wo ld need to do some serious saving and hope I don't need the heating for 5 years to afford it though!
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