Terrible. 🤣 They scored the first goal after about 2 minutes in the semi, only to have the other team score 4 in the next 20 minutes or so and then no more goals for the last 35 minutes. Then in the bronze match they were down 0-4, pulled back to 3-4 within 10 minutes, only to have the other team score 2 more after that… So after blazing trough the first 5 matches with 5 wins and an 18-0 score, they are back on earth.

Didn’t really have any subs for the last match either, as more players were done and/or injured. 8 matches in 4 days is probably a bit too much - even though they are only 2x25 minutes each at these cup matches.
My son is only 14, but as they have no U16 team for their “elite” section (or whatever they call it these days), he plays with the U17 team, and most of them are just that 5-10% faster and physically developed. He is still a bit too skinny (like his father 😄) and need to put on some muscle weight (father ditto 😄) !!