Good morning chaps
I just thought I’d remind everyone that there is a meet ups thread that runs parallel to this one. I only mention it because soon we’ll be making firming up plans for a summer meet up and I hope it goes without saying that everyone is welcome to join. That’s Bkool thread, splitters thread, brvr thread, and also anyone who may not contribute to the threads, but pops by from time to time in the hope of being humoured by our general good humour and wit! (Or lack there of....)
Nothing is set in stone just yet, apart from the fact it will be a social ride first and foremost. So no one is going to get left behind! ( I promise
). And I’ll make sure a large part of the planning will focus on where we end up for a good feed, and a couple of well earned drinks
So if you fancy joining in, pop over to the other thread maybe and say which dates are good or bad for you