For want of finding the right place for this, I'm going to put this here. If the mods feel it is in the wrong place, please feel free to move it.
Love or Loath him Lance Armstrong is a character. I have seen many interviews with him and people near him or who used to be near him. They've always seemed a little, erm, forced, rehearsed, questions pre-disclosed, scripted.
This is the first interview I have ever seen, with him and again anyone near him, where I actually feel what is being discussed, and said, is as close to full disclosure as we're every really going to get. It's a long, nearly 2hr, interview with Joe Rogan. an American comedian. It is compelling, at least to me, and well worth the minimal effort to watch it. The time flew by.
There is a section of an interview with a guy named Peter Attia who discusses PED's and natural predisposition to perform above and beyond what most people can do. Here is that section of his interview.
I've seen several other people Joe Rogan has interviewed that I'll be watching. I hope you enjoy(?) them.