Hi everyone, not been here for a while due to different things going on, feeling very demoralised at the moment after buying a 4iiii left crank power meter, on BKool my average rides were around 250w average and ftp around 300w, after using the 4iiii on the BKool trainer I did Bornholm Part 3 and the difference in average power was 256w on the BKool readings and 213w on the 4iiii readings, also outside Im finding it difficult to average over 200w at my heart rate threshold, my Garmin Edge 520 has given me an ftp of 234w , I`ve also got a PowerPod Power Meter which gives readings approx 40-50w higher than the 4iiii, the 4iiii seems very consistent with the rides I`ve done so totally confused now!!!! Has anyone else had any comparisons between the BKool readings and other power meters?? GRRRRRRR!! I`ve also tried left and right compensation as its a left only power meter but still way off the BKool readings.