TB. My two Penoth worth Sir.
I was once very rotund, smoked 30 a day (work outside), I love my beer (as the title says) and have cycled close on 40 years now.
I love cycling, always have done, but due to the weight (and smokes) it has always been a painful, labouring experience. I enjoy my food and drink and having given up smoking, I was reluctant to give up absolutely everything. Like you putting on more weight was an issue .... so I hatched a cunning plan..
As others say, I had goals.. so improved times in past Sportives were a must. Second - hill climbing. I’ve always been rubbish at it. To improve I had to lose weight and increase cardio ability. Next was to lose weight. To do this was very difficult as I wasn’t going to give up any type of food I enjoyed nor, stop suppin. My biggest most baddest meal was always dinner so I would eat earlier, digest for approximately 90 minutes, then turbo the lot... mostly with you guys.. I was happy to go to bed a little peckish. I lost two stone in six month. Strangely enough my Sportive times improved and I can spin up Scottish hills of 20% without the need to have the emergency services on speed dial.
After all the years of hating hills, blaming the roads, the traffic... the bike... I’m now enjoying cycling more than ever. Stopping smoking and calorie deficit worked for me..
These days I hover around the 13 stone mark, eat pretty much what I like, drink what I like and pray for the rain to stop so I can get out on the bike.
Good luck Sir.
PS. HID Mrs B is very encouraging too.