Kudos to you TB'kin' lightweights
. Only jealous
I'm 5 11 and a bit. I started work with a 36 waist. Over the next 5 or so years that went down to a 34/32 dependant to the trousers. I then changed to the company I now work for. Initially I was in a physical dept working 10-12hr days. So my weight dropped and my normal waist became a 32.
I then changed dept's. Since then it's been an upward trajectory of ever increasing waist sizes. Culminating in my soon to be max of 48.
Over the last 3 yrs I have gradually lost a little weight continually. There have been ups and downs, but more downs than ups. I am also changing shape. I have not apparently lost much off my waist, but my legs and arms have shrunk and I've moved almost 3 notches smaller on my watch strap. Most of my clothes are now getting to the stage where they will need to be replaced because the are tooooo big
, starting with the trousers.
The big thing, I think, is getting into a habit of doing stuff a certain way or making the time to do cetain stuff. I used to watch a lot of TV series that were not available in the uk by getting them by other means. There's a lot of good stuff out there and quite a bit is not english language, but is available subtitled. Since I've been doing the bkool thing the time devoted to that has shrunk to less than 2 hr's a night, from 4-8. I'm now find it impossible to keep current on half the shows I watched or to discover new shows to add to the list. This is a good thing.
I now feel unhappy when forced not to use the bike, I can happily take a day off of the bike at any time, but time off due to illness or injury grates. I also mostly do 1 1/2 to 2 hrs a time when doing a session in bkool or BRVR or a combination of both. 8-12 hrs a week of non work related exercise is more than I've done ever.
I just need to keep on this route to keep seeing improvements.![]()

I left my previous job for a lower paying one a few years ago as I wasn't get enough time to get into a healthy routine. Since then I've lost 3 stone, cycle a rural route to/from work every day and have never been happier. It's scary how easy it is for your wellbeing to spiral downhill when in the 'wrong' job