I remember that Ventoux ride. Just had a look on strava and urge anyone who did it or wants to ride Ventoux to try the RGT version. It will hurt.
It's no easy ride on a proper trainer, speed and resistance are bang on

I remember that Ventoux ride. Just had a look on strava and urge anyone who did it or wants to ride Ventoux to try the RGT version. It will hurt.
I was curious to see your time and if I can use your ghost afterwards. You often ride in a way that doesn't suit my way of riding, but this one looks very useful. (Bridgy is my favorite british ghost, but is too slow these days (there was supposed to be a funny face here, but I doesn't work))thanks for watching jacob
i could not bail out with you watching
i spent the last third of the ride just watching my average speed and only working going up and on the flats
did not have enough left for going down hill hard
(Bridgy is my favorite british ghost, but is too slow these days)
bob do they have a finish line when I done Cap Formentor a while back to the lighthouse and back it just turns around and keeps going
I was curious to see your time and if I can use your ghost afterwards. You often ride in a way that doesn't suit my way of riding, but this one looks very useful. (Bridgy is my favorite british ghost, but is too slow these days (there was supposed to be a funny face here, but I doesn't work))
I am for sure you would have done the exact same time thursday if you didn't crash, but your way of riding was more fluent today (thanks for that)
It's no easy ride on a proper trainer, speed and resistance are bang on. I'll try RGT version soon, has Bkool removes video for us lowlifes
It's no easy ride on a proper trainer, speed and resistance are bang on. I'll try RGT version soon, has Bkool removes video for us lowlifes
@CXRAndy or anyone who knows regarding disc brakes
On the pad axle bolt would u use grease on the thread as i had to drill 1 out a few weeks back stuck solid
You used the kickr?
Yep, speed and resistance worked well- virtually no blue numbers. Using a Bkool would give a favourable speed and time result. You should try your Neo Bob, I bet you can't get near your time of last year on the Bkool pro.
I checked my Bkool Ventoux ride against a couple of profile sites,. It's very accurate,early 7-8% the middle section of the climb 9-11% later part drops to 7-8% with a kicker back up to 10%or so just before the line
Ok. Sounds like you had a good and reliable workout .You will enjoy the ride in RGT. Visuals are great and very representative of real life.
I would say it is a bit harder on the turbo. There is less to distract than there is in real life, the smells, sounds, and so on.