Bob, have you tried taking glucosamine sulphate supplements to help your knee? It's supposed to be good for cartelidge repair and for Itb injuries etc.
i had my left knee tampered with about 18mnths ago - doc said he had repaired a tendon or ligament (cant remember ) repaired and trimmed cartilage and cleaned out - however - he said i left it too long and now have osteoarthritis beginning as there isnt much cartilage left then told me between 2-10 years i will need new knee
i take ibuprofen paracetamol and codine on a hard work day and have been told next step is stronger painkillers
up and down of biking is ok but even thinking of kicking a ball brings me out in a sweat
i take glucosamine sulphate but how do you know if it does any good - knee hurts but would it have hurt more if i didn't take it ?
got a light strap for it for long walks and heavy duty strap for skiing and decided if its going to go anyway i may as well do what i want and enjoy life rather than pamper
the real annoying thing is i went and moaned about knee in mid thirties and they virtually said dont be silly and go away
one thing i would change is - after the op i was too proud to use crutches and walked out of hospital - in reflection that was bloody stupid and i was soo pleased to reach the car