Tea? (Part 2)

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Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Yep Wellies will be required today!

Morning all :cuppa:


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
Well after my lazyness of last night the lunches are made, the snack bags for Squidge's break are in compliance with the rules after my telling off yesterday for daring to send in a "Bear Nibbles" Raspberry Yo-Yo which she had removed from Squidge as they are not allowed "sweets" and given him fresh wholemeal bread & butter roll from tuck shop.

I listened patiently while I had it explained to me it was to be fruit or veg please. She is lovely his teacher and went bright red and very apologetic when I asked had she read the packet and she did read said packet


He has sultana's in a snack bag today :laugh:.

Maggot's snack times are easier you just send a piece of fruit per snack time, although, I think in that department I am being a little exotic compared to the other parents, they gather the fruit, chop it and all the children have a little bit of everything, when I peered in the fruit box yesterday it seems most Parents send an apple or an orange whilst I have been sending mango, grape, blueberries, pineapple, melon, strawberries, whatever User76 has chosen really :ohmy: I did feel like being "evil" mummy and sending a Pomegranate :laugh: but I resisted.

Rolo's are in the freezer, nicely frozen ready to attempt Rolo cupcakes...

Oh and if anyone has a cold or sniffles please feel free to stand in my bathroom and breathe in as I dropped a bottle of Olbas oil and now it stinks in there! :headshake:

Squidge has gone to school with 2 doors up so time for :cuppa: before a wet ride to Pre-school to drop of User76 for the day too! :biggrin:
I feel I have to contribute to this insane but very sane thread.

It seems a place so relentlessly positive and supportive that I have no right to be here.

But the kettle is on to make my wife a cuppa.

I have to hit the garden after that, and move hedge cuttings to the fire. Too green to light them, the neighbours would be smoked out. Again.

I hear a whislte. Kettle's done. No sugar for me.


Do I need to get the spray plaster out?
I feel I have to contribute to this insane but very sane thread.

It seems a place so relentlessly positive and supportive that I have no right to be here.

But the kettle is on to make my wife a cuppa.

I have to hit the garden after that, and move hedge cuttings to the fire. Too green to light them, the neighbours would be smoked out. Again.

I hear a whislte. Kettle's done. No sugar for me.

Here you are
Cheers! &
to Tea?


De Skieven Architek... aka Penfold + Horace
I feel I have to contribute to this insane but very sane thread.

It seems a place so relentlessly positive and supportive that I have no right to be here.

But the kettle is on to make my wife a cuppa.

I have to hit the garden after that, and move hedge cuttings to the fire. Too green to light them, the neighbours would be smoked out. Again.

I hear a whislte. Kettle's done. No sugar for me.
Morning Boris... have a biskit.
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