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Bobby Mhor

Behind You
8,000! How many points does a Big Mac, or a McFlurry get you?
Been a wet day up those parts then.
Look at it too long and a face appears.

What were the update supposed to do, that led to you deciding not to keep it.
Bottle duties?

Don't sssssshh when you've a a cuppa, you'll wake the youngest up when you blow your cup contents out.

Big Mac 4,000 plus?
mmm. mcflurry, mmmm....

trying update again..


Leg End Member
Good morning :hello:
Thought I'd on time today:cuppa:
I hear the little one giggling and finding her voice..
Bottle and nappy duties ahead.....^_^
T'is still mornin if that's what you mean. Thought you might have been early, due to bottle duties.
Has she seen you pulling any faces this morning?
Not at the same time, and don't get the ends mixed up. Bottle to the top at all times.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
T'is still mornin if that's what you mean. Thought you might have been early, due to bottle duties.
Has she seen you pulling any faces this morning?
Not at the same time, and don't get the ends mixed up. Bottle to the top at all times.
Man, we've been singing to each other..
not exactly Nelson Eddy Janette thingy class though, more a squawking gurgling noise...
One Big Mac will get you a free coffee then.
They don't exactly give things away though.

nah, that'll be something like 5,000 odd points..
since I moved I've not used the Greggs app a lot but still get a wee cake each year on my birthday..(find out soon)


Leg End Member
Man, we've been singing to each other..
not exactly Nelson Eddy Janette thingy class though, more a squawking gurgling noise...

nah, that'll be something like 5,000 odd points..
since I moved I've not used the Greggs app a lot but still get a wee cake each year on my birthday..(find out soon)
Have you thought about making a recording together? You can play it back to her when she's older.
You sqwaking or gurglin, and were you in time with each other.

5,000 points gets you a big mac!
Not as good as yer old shop. Despite the same supply chain, there's a fair bit of difference between shops.

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Have you thought about making a recording together? You can play it back to her when she's older.
You sqwaking or gurglin, and were you in time with each other.

5,000 points gets you a big mac!
Not as good as yer old shop. Despite the same supply chain, there's a fair bit of difference between shops.

Her mum has gbs of photos and videos already :laugh:
I have video cam footage of my lot, which I had put onto dvd but once again, we cannot find them although I have the original tapes.

Dib dib dibbing tonight...
radio talk brought out for once..
young 'un off home..
she slept all night again so she can come back.....

did some gardening today, more beetroot seedlings planted hoping for a second crop, depends on conditions, we'll see.
Might cut the grass tomorrow, might I said.

Have to say, greggs do a fabby sliced white bloomer type loaf.....
I'm reduced to 2020 single apple cider, I couldn't find the sell by date but drunk anyhoo :laugh:

the blurb on this cider..
the elegant fruitiness of this cider makes it a versatile food matching partner, try with fig and goat cheese brushetta or a decadent high tea..

jeez, who writes this pish.....
mini jammie dodgers, four of will have to do....


Leg End Member
Her mum has gbs of photos and videos already :laugh:
I have video cam footage of my lot, which I had put onto dvd but once again, we cannot find them although I have the original tapes.

Dib dib dibbing tonight...
radio talk brought out for once..
young 'un off home..
she slept all night again so she can come back.....

did some gardening today, more beetroot seedlings planted hoping for a second crop, depends on conditions, we'll see.
Might cut the grass tomorrow, might I said.

Have to say, greggs do a fabby sliced white bloomer type loaf.....
I'm reduced to 2020 single apple cider, I couldn't find the sell by date but drunk anyhoo :laugh:

the blurb on this cider..
the elegant fruitiness of this cider makes it a versatile food matching partner, try with fig and goat cheese brushetta or a decadent high tea..

jeez, who writes this pish.....
mini jammie dodgers, four of will have to do....
You'll have to find them for the next gathering of the Mhor Clan. Set it so it just starts playing in the background

Will you, and your club, be taking part in Jamboree On The Air?
Giving something back to the scouts, if they'll let you.
And you had no elbow in the ribs during the night. Or is it automatic now for you.

I'd say they'd be smaller this late in't year. Both size and amount.

There's two in town, about 100 yards apart. First one was a Thurston's, but became a Gregg's. Quality hasn't been as good since they changed.
Sell by date isn't important, what's the drink by date?

They're paid a lot to come up with blurb like that.
You'll be buying some fig and goat cheese brushetta on yer next shopping trip. Just to see if it lives up to the blurb.

What size are mini Jammie Dodgers. The standard ones get much smaller, you'll be paying for just the packet

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
You'll have to find them for the next gathering of the Mhor Clan. Set it so it just starts playing in the background

Will you, and your club, be taking part in Jamboree On The Air?
Giving something back to the scouts, if they'll let you.
And you had no elbow in the ribs during the night. Or is it automatic now for you.

I'd say they'd be smaller this late in't year. Both size and amount.

There's two in town, about 100 yards apart. First one was a Thurston's, but became a Gregg's. Quality hasn't been as good since they changed.
Sell by date isn't important, what's the drink by date?

They're paid a lot to come up with blurb like that.
You'll be buying some fig and goat cheese brushetta on yer next shopping trip. Just to see if it lives up to the blurb.

What size are mini Jammie Dodgers. The standard ones get much smaller, you'll be paying for just the packet

Jammies? awfy wee things..
bought for Beag
I just keep checking they are still 'fresh':ohmy:

Bit of a disturbance reet noo oop in the atmospheric layers ..
was wondering why some radio bands were dead..
G2 storm going on...


Leg End Member
Jammies? awfy wee things..
bought for Beag
I just keep checking they are still 'fresh':ohmy:

Bit of a disturbance reet noo oop in the atmospheric layers ..
was wondering why some radio bands were dead..
G2 storm going on...
And getting smaller every other year.
You snatched the biscuit from the mouth of babes! You surprise me, I'd have said he'd eaten them all, and there were non left.
You can't give him something that's not fresh, it might give him tummy ache. Always play safe, you test them first

Wonder if that's why there's almost no mobile phone signal. Although I'll not give them the chance to use it as an excuse.
Any idea when it started, and when it might end?

Bobby Mhor

Behind You
Ey up
Yer up early. Are you all present and correct!
Similar here, worst has now passed/still to arrive(Antonio is behind schedule), depending on where you check.
Slight shower earlier..
And getting smaller every other year.
You snatched the biscuit from the mouth of babes! You surprise me, I'd have said he'd eaten them all, and there were non left.
You can't give him something that's not fresh, it might give him tummy ache. Always play safe, you test them first

Wonder if that's why there's almost no mobile phone signal. Although I'll not give them the chance to use it as an excuse.
Any idea when it started, and when it might end?

Son in law already left to head to the descent at Crow Rd, man, it'll be fast there...
Might go watch the ladies there next week..
I'm heading up the road a bit above Fankerton (if I make it )
Orange hi glow jacket on....
best go get bike checked over..
we have a house full of folk going to see it pass

I'll have to feed them too:rolleyes:


Leg End Member
Morning.... :hello:
The world's top cyclists will be paying homage as they pedal by the Towers (okay I'm 5 mins walk from the road)
Mrs M is even making her way up to hoot and holler, yeeha...
Enjoy your day..
You could cut that time in half with a gentle jog.
Don't let yer fans down...
See which of you can hoot an holler the loudest. Loser loses the TV remote for the day.


Leg End Member
Slight shower earlier..

Son in law already left to head to the descent at Crow Rd, man, it'll be fast there...
Might go watch the ladies there next week..
I'm heading up the road a bit above Fankerton (if I make it )
Orange hi glow jacket on....
best go get bike checked over..
we have a house full of folk going to see it pass

I'll have to feed them too:rolleyes:
Cleared up round these ere parts.

Did he take his bike or car? He went early enough, I'll give him that much.

Next week, can't you make it there for today. You'll make it, getting back might be the issue. Which is where yer high via jacket could come in handy. Especially if it has the local council logo on the back...
You planning on riding up! Where'll you leave Polly.
Free entry?

Have the price list printed and on the table ready. And no pulling faces!
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