Not me..
I can't see anything in the news..
I had my morning glance at it earlier..
a glance now as it's all full of non news..
things like Twitch streamers are up in arms, Instagram influencers are trying to con free stuff..
WTF has our world come to?
I must go on Twitter and rant..
oh, closed down my account as it was full of anonymous instigators and complainers..
I hear our local 'scheme' page is going off on the subject of someone complaining about Sainsburys being too far away, it's hundreds of meters away from where they stay, cat and dog poo an issue and a pedestrian entrance to the area has stairs. And apparently some else is doing Avon
it's nuts out there, I look forward to the inevitable splintering and rival pages being set up as it normally does.
I think I'll live in my own wee bubble....
I get told about Facebook..
anyway back to what you were doing..
I may have to install Zoom apparently to take part in a seminar or two..
does this make Bob a zoomer